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Kate & Ryley — Minted




Kate and Ryley

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

2014 - Elevator Encounters

It was your typical Monday morning at 9AM. Kate had finished her workout, coffee, and class for the day and Ryley was rushing to class after a grueling NYU soccer practice. We found ourselves in the elevator together in very different stages of our day. Whether it was fate, chance, or planned, Kate made the first move in informing Ryley that he looked tired… some things don’t change.

2016 - Vino and Amore in Italia

Fast forward a year and a half later. Kate and Ryley were on the way to a “European Honeymoon” of our dreams (AKA Study Abroad). 4 months, 12 countries, and a lot of wine later, we became adventure partners for life and just getting by in speaking Italian.

2018 - Tears, Graduation, and Half Marathons

Graduation followed by a Kate prompted half marathon together (literally a day later) brought about a lot of tears - joyous and sad. Long-distance woes arose as Kate stayed in NYC, and Ryley ventured down to DC, resulting in a LOT of bus rides in our near future.

2020/2021 - From Ski Bums to Responsible Adults

Enter 2020, the year that shook us all. Kate and Ryley moved out to Colorado, became ski bums for a year, explored the US one Airbnb at a time, and eventually realized that adulting should probably enter the picture soon.

2023 - Our Year

Kate and Ryley’s year. (So far). Kate and Ryley became homeowners, Ryley proposed (finally), and the long awaited wedding planning extravaganza began.

2024 - Do you Remember the 21st Night of September?

It's been 3650 days in the making. Party accordingly.

Here's to love, laughter, and a lifetime of adventures. Cheers to the next chapter!